Samu's cuisine Who are we?

Samu's cuisine What is it?

Samu's cuisine Who are we?

Samu's cuisine Who are we? The project "Samu's cuisine" is quite simple, sharing their love of food, culture and travel.

They are an inter-cultural couple, from Colombia and Switzerland, and despite the distance from where they were born and how different they are (you will be able to see it in some videos soon), they have in common the love for the good life.

They don't have children yet, so they take advantage of traveling, meeting people and living life as it should be!

"The least frequent thing in this world is living. Most people exist, that's all."

Andzia, born in Colombia and Samuel in Switzerland, met in the middle of the world, Quito, Ecuador. Life taught them a lesson: it doesn't matter where you live, but it matters with whom and how you decide to live.

They are Lawyer and Computer Scientist and have several ventures, such as Mora-Balet LawyersMorita Ethical StoreTravel2SouthgreeNative Web among others.

Samu's cuisine Who are we?

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